Is a tarp or waterproof paint better? Waterproof paint and waterproof cloth difference



Is a tarp or waterproof paint better?

Is a tarp or waterproof paint better? Waterproof paint and waterproof cloth difference

Is a tarp or waterproof paint better?

Waterproof coating is characterized by convenient construction, low requirements on the base, the coil can not be constructed in the area, such as too narrow, space is too high, waterproof coating can be solved, waterproof coating construction process, site management is very important, waterproof coating because of its easy materials, some waterproof material production equipment is relatively simple, packaging, deployment can have the suiyi. Therefore, it is easy to cut corners, shoddy production, however, the coating waterproof layer thickness is not as intuitive, uniform and controllable as the coil, its thickness is determined by the number of coating times during construction. So the waterproof material is better.

The advantages and disadvantages of waterproof coating and waterproof cloth

Waterproof coating advantages: any complex base can be made into a continuous integral waterproof layer; The equipment is simple, the construction technology is easy to master, the coating waterproof layer and the base has 100% bonding surface (cracks, joints and other parts of the use of strengthening layer empty paving method except). Waterproof coating layer in the service life of the water leakage, most of the base cracking width exceeds the waterproof coating can be extended, the cause of water leakage and the formation of water parts are easy to find, convenient warranty, as long as a small amount of waterproof coating repair cracks and damage parts can, waterproof coating shortcomings: The completion of a waterproof coating requires multiple times of brushing, each time of brushing to have a certain interval, so the completion of the waterproof layer to a longer time.

Waterproof cloth advantages: convenient construction, short time limit, no maintenance after forming, not affected by temperature, small environmental pollution, layer thickness is easy to master according to the design requirements, accurate calculation of materials, convenient construction site management, not easy to cut corners, uniform layer thickness, empty shop can effectively overcome the stress at the base (in the base of large cracks can maintain waterproof layer integrity), waterproof cloth disadvantages: It is necessary to cut clothes according to the shape of the waterproof base. For the complex shape of the base, it is necessary to splice multiple pieces, and it is difficult to bond the waterproof cloth at the joint of each other. Complete seal will become the main problem, water leakage potential; Waterproof cloth protection after construction and maintenance after water leakage is also a problem, any part of the penetration of damage, degumming, leakage (even if it is only one), the whole level of waterproof function will all decline. If you can't find the damaged and defective parts, then local repair is impossible, so only to redo the waterproof.